Caitlin's Story
Anna is amazing. From the first moment that we met, her calm confidence told me she was the person I wanted by my side during labor. She is incredibly knowledgeable and dedicated to facilitating a positive birth experience. The preparation that she helped us to work on together was indispensable. She suggested (and my partner insisted) that I write out a birth plan, and although I was resistant (it felt like a jinx to me) working through my expectations and desires for each step of labor and delivery provided clarity, and the ability to communicate my wishes rather than assuming it would all go according to the vision in my head. She also loaned us several books from her library to read in the weeks leading up to the birth. (My partner still recommends The Birth Partner to all the future dads we know.)
The birth of our son Malachy did not go quite the way we thought it would. I went into active labor around two in the morning, with plans for an unmedicated, intervention-free vaginal birth. Anna provided guidance by phone over the course of the morning, and met us at the hospital just after eleven. I had back labor, and Anna supported me through each contraction, all the while coaching my partner to help her provide counter pressure (To quote Sean “she’s much stronger than she looks”). Her presence the whole time was uplifting, she anticipated just what I needed, and offering suggestions for change of activity or position so gently I felt that they were almost my own ideas. Eventually I felt the urge to push, and that is where my experience started to deviate from my plan. After two hours of pushing the baby hadn’t budged, and I was exhausted. In the environment of love and support that Anna created for me I felt no doubt, insecurity, judgement or fear when it came time to decide to deliver our son by caesarean. In the end we are all safe and sound, with an astounding baby boy, and a wonderful new friend added to our lives.
The birth of our son Malachy did not go quite the way we thought it would. I went into active labor around two in the morning, with plans for an unmedicated, intervention-free vaginal birth. Anna provided guidance by phone over the course of the morning, and met us at the hospital just after eleven. I had back labor, and Anna supported me through each contraction, all the while coaching my partner to help her provide counter pressure (To quote Sean “she’s much stronger than she looks”). Her presence the whole time was uplifting, she anticipated just what I needed, and offering suggestions for change of activity or position so gently I felt that they were almost my own ideas. Eventually I felt the urge to push, and that is where my experience started to deviate from my plan. After two hours of pushing the baby hadn’t budged, and I was exhausted. In the environment of love and support that Anna created for me I felt no doubt, insecurity, judgement or fear when it came time to decide to deliver our son by caesarean. In the end we are all safe and sound, with an astounding baby boy, and a wonderful new friend added to our lives.
Kellie's Story
Anna was so supportive throughout my entire pregnancy. She was there at all hours and was willing to answer any question I had as it was my first time through a pregnancy.
She visited with us before I went into labor to check in, to see how things were going, and to prepare me for the most wonderful day. When I realized I was in labor, I called Anna to let her know. She was so understanding and dependable as she answered all of my calls quickly and excitedly.
She arrived when I wanted her to and she helped me through an unmedicated and natural birth in a hospital setting. What a comfort it was to have her by my side with her “bag of tricks!”
Mandi's story
This was my third pregnancy, only this time I was a gestational carrier. Anna met with me twice before the delivery and brought to my attention certain decisions I had never thought about. I had just moved up here and did not know a single person, but Anna’s warmth and graciousness made me feel like I had a friend in the delivery room.
She made us a team that put me in charge of my situation. The baby’s parents were not able to make it to the hospital until t he next day, which created some emotional issues for me. Anna immediately spotted the issues and took care of me.
Anna goes the extra mile and her love and care is obvious to anyone. She even converted my doula-disliking doctor, who asked for her information to refer her to his other patients.
I know it sounds like a cliché, but I honestly do not think I could have been as emotionally strong as I was had she not been there. Because of Anna, my delivery was actually fun. And that is not something you hear every day!
This was my third pregnancy, only this time I was a gestational carrier. Anna met with me twice before the delivery and brought to my attention certain decisions I had never thought about. I had just moved up here and did not know a single person, but Anna’s warmth and graciousness made me feel like I had a friend in the delivery room.
She made us a team that put me in charge of my situation. The baby’s parents were not able to make it to the hospital until t he next day, which created some emotional issues for me. Anna immediately spotted the issues and took care of me.
Anna goes the extra mile and her love and care is obvious to anyone. She even converted my doula-disliking doctor, who asked for her information to refer her to his other patients.
I know it sounds like a cliché, but I honestly do not think I could have been as emotionally strong as I was had she not been there. Because of Anna, my delivery was actually fun. And that is not something you hear every day!
Diane's Story
As soon as we got those two little pink lines I knew it was time for some research. I was induced with our 1st and ended up with a bad experience which included an epidural. I knew I wanted to go completely natural this time around.
When I discovered a video on doulas and how useful they were the search was on to find the perfect fit. When we met Anna I knew right away she was the person I wanted in with us during labor.
Anna was a wealth of knowledge; she not only was able to answer all of my questions but also had books and videos available for us to borrow. She helped me make sure my birth plan was just right.
Knowing that I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, we knew there was a chance I would need to be induced and
also took that into consideration when writing the birth plan.
When the day for my induction arrived Anna spent all day at the hospital with my husband and me. Anna made sure the nurse knew I wanted to get up and move around as much as possible. We walked the halls and were even able to take advantage of the birthing ball and whirlpool tub. Anna made sure the room was exactly how I needed it to be with dimmed lights, soft music and no excess noise of any kind.
After my doctor broke my water, I wasn’t prepared for how intense the contractions became and didn’t think I could handle anymore. But as each contraction came Anna reminded me to stay relaxed, breathe and that even though I didn’t think I could handle them, I was. Each and every contraction I was working with and allowing my body to do what it was made to do.
When I couldn’t handle the pain of the contractions anymore and expressed not only my need of an epidural but also how sorry I was for wasting her time (or so I thought) Anna again reminded me that being induced with Pitocin makes any woman’s labor more difficult and that I was doing a fabulous job.
Even though my labor didn’t go according to plan, I wouldn’t have been able to go as long as I did without the support and encouragement of Anna. She knew exactly what to do and say at exactly the right time.
Words cannot describe how valuable Anna was to us that day. I would highly recommend her as a doula and will suggest her to all my girlfriends for their future pregnancies and deliveries.
As soon as we got those two little pink lines I knew it was time for some research. I was induced with our 1st and ended up with a bad experience which included an epidural. I knew I wanted to go completely natural this time around.
When I discovered a video on doulas and how useful they were the search was on to find the perfect fit. When we met Anna I knew right away she was the person I wanted in with us during labor.
Anna was a wealth of knowledge; she not only was able to answer all of my questions but also had books and videos available for us to borrow. She helped me make sure my birth plan was just right.
Knowing that I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, we knew there was a chance I would need to be induced and
also took that into consideration when writing the birth plan.
When the day for my induction arrived Anna spent all day at the hospital with my husband and me. Anna made sure the nurse knew I wanted to get up and move around as much as possible. We walked the halls and were even able to take advantage of the birthing ball and whirlpool tub. Anna made sure the room was exactly how I needed it to be with dimmed lights, soft music and no excess noise of any kind.
After my doctor broke my water, I wasn’t prepared for how intense the contractions became and didn’t think I could handle anymore. But as each contraction came Anna reminded me to stay relaxed, breathe and that even though I didn’t think I could handle them, I was. Each and every contraction I was working with and allowing my body to do what it was made to do.
When I couldn’t handle the pain of the contractions anymore and expressed not only my need of an epidural but also how sorry I was for wasting her time (or so I thought) Anna again reminded me that being induced with Pitocin makes any woman’s labor more difficult and that I was doing a fabulous job.
Even though my labor didn’t go according to plan, I wouldn’t have been able to go as long as I did without the support and encouragement of Anna. She knew exactly what to do and say at exactly the right time.
Words cannot describe how valuable Anna was to us that day. I would highly recommend her as a doula and will suggest her to all my girlfriends for their future pregnancies and deliveries.
Courtney's Story
Anna was such a gift to us at our son's birth. In the months before he was born, she was a treasure trove of resources--books, DVDs, information--and a gentle encourager. She was always quick to respond to emails and texts and very helpful with advice as I went overdue and started to get antsy to meet our baby!
Anna was there for my entire labor from start to finish, even though my labor started in the middle of the night. She was willing to help my husband and I labor at home, but was more than flexible when our plans changed and we asked her to meet us at the hospital at the last minute. As soon as she met us in the labor room and pressed her hands on my lower back, I turned to my husband and said, "Whatever we are paying her, it isn't enough!"
Anna knew just how to help ease the pains and struggles of labor, from back massage, to reminding me to breathe, to helping me to vocalize in low tones, to keeping me warm with blankets when the hospital tub needed to be refilled. Near the end, when I asked for pain medication, Anna helped me to press through just that extra bit of time, reminding me of my goals while still listening to my cries for help. Before I knew it, I had my son in my arms, and all completely naturally! It was so empowering to reach that goal, and without Anna's help I don't know that I would have been able to labor entirely drug-free. Our son was born awake and alert and he nursed right away, and I'm convinced that his bright-eyed state was due in part to a drug-free labor.
In addition, Anna helped to care for my husband throughout my labor. Several times I heard her ask for water for him, and she encouraged him to take short breaks when he needed them. Between Anna and my husband, I was never alone.
Anna's care didn't stop when our son was born, either. She visited the next day with flowers and brownies, and again a week later with a delicious meal. Her services went above and beyond what she advertised, and we would highly recommend her to any parents-to-be!
Anna was there for my entire labor from start to finish, even though my labor started in the middle of the night. She was willing to help my husband and I labor at home, but was more than flexible when our plans changed and we asked her to meet us at the hospital at the last minute. As soon as she met us in the labor room and pressed her hands on my lower back, I turned to my husband and said, "Whatever we are paying her, it isn't enough!"
Anna knew just how to help ease the pains and struggles of labor, from back massage, to reminding me to breathe, to helping me to vocalize in low tones, to keeping me warm with blankets when the hospital tub needed to be refilled. Near the end, when I asked for pain medication, Anna helped me to press through just that extra bit of time, reminding me of my goals while still listening to my cries for help. Before I knew it, I had my son in my arms, and all completely naturally! It was so empowering to reach that goal, and without Anna's help I don't know that I would have been able to labor entirely drug-free. Our son was born awake and alert and he nursed right away, and I'm convinced that his bright-eyed state was due in part to a drug-free labor.
In addition, Anna helped to care for my husband throughout my labor. Several times I heard her ask for water for him, and she encouraged him to take short breaks when he needed them. Between Anna and my husband, I was never alone.
Anna's care didn't stop when our son was born, either. She visited the next day with flowers and brownies, and again a week later with a delicious meal. Her services went above and beyond what she advertised, and we would highly recommend her to any parents-to-be!
Bethany's Story

The day I found out I was pregnant with our son, I decided two things. I decided I wanted a natural birth again, BUT I also decided I would have to be proactive if I wanted the labor and delivery to be different than it was with our daughter.
Her birth had left me feeling so fearful...even terrified of ever getting pregnant again. I needed a new outlook. Enter: my search for a doula.
When I expressed my interest of having a doula to my midwife,
she immediately recommended Anna. I went to the first meeting with Anna feeling all sorts of uncertainty. Anna listened to my story and affirmed my feelings. She then shared of her training and experiences, but what won me over was her heart and love for Jesus. Sold. More than the medical knowledge, verbal encouragement, physical support that Anna provided...I needed someone there to point me to Christ and to lift me before the Throne when I felt defeated by the pain. One part of the delivery that I distinctly remember was Anna's calm voice quietly praying over me.
Sweet relief.
Anna provided a phenomenal ministry to our family not just in the delivery room. She was available whenever I wanted to talk or meet beforehand and brought over some of the best soup I've ever tasted after the delivery. If she wasn't a doula, I'm convinced she could have a cooking career. All the way around, Anna was a blessing and answer to prayer.
Her birth had left me feeling so fearful...even terrified of ever getting pregnant again. I needed a new outlook. Enter: my search for a doula.
When I expressed my interest of having a doula to my midwife,
she immediately recommended Anna. I went to the first meeting with Anna feeling all sorts of uncertainty. Anna listened to my story and affirmed my feelings. She then shared of her training and experiences, but what won me over was her heart and love for Jesus. Sold. More than the medical knowledge, verbal encouragement, physical support that Anna provided...I needed someone there to point me to Christ and to lift me before the Throne when I felt defeated by the pain. One part of the delivery that I distinctly remember was Anna's calm voice quietly praying over me.
Sweet relief.
Anna provided a phenomenal ministry to our family not just in the delivery room. She was available whenever I wanted to talk or meet beforehand and brought over some of the best soup I've ever tasted after the delivery. If she wasn't a doula, I'm convinced she could have a cooking career. All the way around, Anna was a blessing and answer to prayer.
Jen's story

Jen laboring. Picture by Anna Thelen
Anna has been one of my dearest friends for over ten years, so it was a no-brainer that I wanted her to be my doula for my first delivery! My husband and I wanted an all-natural hospital birth, which is very difficult to have without a supportive, informed doula. We were so thankful for Anna’s assistance and care, especially since our labor wasn’t what we expected: 40+ hours!
Early labor began a week before my daughter was born. Anna stayed with me, even when we called her too early! Since I was full of anxiety and apprehension, which caused labor to be longer, Anna’s sweet assurances that “baby will come when she’s ready” were so helpful in keeping me calm and relaxed. Throughout early labor, she offered a WIDE variety of suggestions to kick-starting labor from massage and exercise techniques, essential oils and constant reminders to walk, walk, walk (and she walked with me every step!)
When I felt it was “time” to go to the hospital, it turned out to be a 24hr stay that was a false alarm. That hospital experience was quite traumatizing—emotionally and physically—for a new mom. Anna’s support was pure gold through those rough times, I don’t know how I could have done it without her. My doctor allowed me to go home and continue laboring there, which I did, for another few days.
When the day finally came that we went in for the real deal, due to the events from the last stay, I was still so anxious and fearful. It makes labor so much harder to be so afraid and uncomfortable! To the point of her comfort and needs being neglected, Anna was constantly making me comfortable, relaxed and meeting my needs. She massaged, brushed my hair, ran bath water, sang songs, and brought me water, food or clothes. She communicated with my doctors and nurses so clearly and graciously, while being very informed and knowledgeable of birth and hospital procedures.
It was so amazing how she was in-tune with labor stages, and how sensitive she was to me when I changed from one to the other. She recognized right away when I needed music, or someone to talk to; and also knew when I needed music turned off or everyone to stop talking. As labor progressed, I was so thankful that she was always ready to offer wise suggestions of “what we could do next”.
Probably one of the things I loved most about having Anna with us was that she fully knew my birth plan, and she was fully, unbiasedly supportive of it. Prior to labor, I allowed her to somewhat “interview” me on what kind of labor I had my heart set on having. Doing this helped her understand what I was willing to do to have the natural birth I wanted so much, especially in the hardest stages of labor. When transition kicked in full throttle and I was exhausted to my end, I began asking for something to “help”. Even when I asked for it, I knew in my heart I didn’t want medication and the repercussions of them that my baby and our birth could suffer. Anna knew this, and also was sensitive to know I was getting close to being done, so she offered priceless encouragement and suggestions to help me through the hardest part of labor. It was so fantastic!
Her postpartum care was so thorough, and she makes absolutely delicious food. Not just the kind that tastes good; it’s the kind that makes your heart feel good. She has this sixth sense to know what is needed, practically, emotionally or spiritually. She truly has a God-given gift!
She encompassed the very meaning of “doula” (originating from the Greek word “servant”) for us. She served us with all her heart, putting my family’s needs and wishes above everything else. We are so very thankful for her and her amazing work.
Early labor began a week before my daughter was born. Anna stayed with me, even when we called her too early! Since I was full of anxiety and apprehension, which caused labor to be longer, Anna’s sweet assurances that “baby will come when she’s ready” were so helpful in keeping me calm and relaxed. Throughout early labor, she offered a WIDE variety of suggestions to kick-starting labor from massage and exercise techniques, essential oils and constant reminders to walk, walk, walk (and she walked with me every step!)
When I felt it was “time” to go to the hospital, it turned out to be a 24hr stay that was a false alarm. That hospital experience was quite traumatizing—emotionally and physically—for a new mom. Anna’s support was pure gold through those rough times, I don’t know how I could have done it without her. My doctor allowed me to go home and continue laboring there, which I did, for another few days.
When the day finally came that we went in for the real deal, due to the events from the last stay, I was still so anxious and fearful. It makes labor so much harder to be so afraid and uncomfortable! To the point of her comfort and needs being neglected, Anna was constantly making me comfortable, relaxed and meeting my needs. She massaged, brushed my hair, ran bath water, sang songs, and brought me water, food or clothes. She communicated with my doctors and nurses so clearly and graciously, while being very informed and knowledgeable of birth and hospital procedures.
It was so amazing how she was in-tune with labor stages, and how sensitive she was to me when I changed from one to the other. She recognized right away when I needed music, or someone to talk to; and also knew when I needed music turned off or everyone to stop talking. As labor progressed, I was so thankful that she was always ready to offer wise suggestions of “what we could do next”.
Probably one of the things I loved most about having Anna with us was that she fully knew my birth plan, and she was fully, unbiasedly supportive of it. Prior to labor, I allowed her to somewhat “interview” me on what kind of labor I had my heart set on having. Doing this helped her understand what I was willing to do to have the natural birth I wanted so much, especially in the hardest stages of labor. When transition kicked in full throttle and I was exhausted to my end, I began asking for something to “help”. Even when I asked for it, I knew in my heart I didn’t want medication and the repercussions of them that my baby and our birth could suffer. Anna knew this, and also was sensitive to know I was getting close to being done, so she offered priceless encouragement and suggestions to help me through the hardest part of labor. It was so fantastic!
Her postpartum care was so thorough, and she makes absolutely delicious food. Not just the kind that tastes good; it’s the kind that makes your heart feel good. She has this sixth sense to know what is needed, practically, emotionally or spiritually. She truly has a God-given gift!
She encompassed the very meaning of “doula” (originating from the Greek word “servant”) for us. She served us with all her heart, putting my family’s needs and wishes above everything else. We are so very thankful for her and her amazing work.
Nicole's Story
Anna is truly a beautiful person. Her love for life and people shines through in her work as a doula. She assisted our family in the birth of our 4th child. She was very respectful and attentive to the desires of my husband and me. She was also a great help to the midwife that assisted us for our home birth. She was at our "beck and call" for all of our needs, and she did it with a smile and love.
She also did an excellent job caring for our other children, when we needed to rest. She even brought me food and drinks whenever I needed, during recovery. She is very gifted in her work. I don't trust many people with my little blessings(children) but her I trust. If ever I needed a doula again, she would be the only one I would call. Thank you, Anna!
She also did an excellent job caring for our other children, when we needed to rest. She even brought me food and drinks whenever I needed, during recovery. She is very gifted in her work. I don't trust many people with my little blessings(children) but her I trust. If ever I needed a doula again, she would be the only one I would call. Thank you, Anna!

Heather's story
I’ve known Anna for a long time and it was an obvious choice to have her as my doula. I had heard the love and joy in her voice, as she served women as they brought a life into the world. Frankly, the idea of a doula sounded like a wonderful idea to me. A cheerleader, supporter, encourager and otherwise all-around helper-who wouldn’t want that as they traveled the arduous journey of labor?
Anna was such a wealth of knowledge and it was immensely helpful to have her input as the day of delivery grew closer. It calmed my nervous jitters to talk to her on the phone and hear that all was progressing normally. I ended up being induced and Anna was very flexible as our plans changed. As labor progressed and the pain got intense, Anna was a blend of service and encouragement. She massaged, rubbed and was constantly the voice of reassurance when I grew weary. I’m not sure that I would have been able to deal with the pain (especially since being induced made it even more painful) without Anna’s presence. Between Anna and my husband, I felt incredibly supported. Anna’s care continued after the birth and into the post-partum stage.
The birth of my son was the hardest and the most beautiful thing I have ever done. Having Anna there made it a much smoother experience. I was incredibly happy to have my best friend and my doula share this moment with me, as I became a mom for the first time.
I’ve known Anna for a long time and it was an obvious choice to have her as my doula. I had heard the love and joy in her voice, as she served women as they brought a life into the world. Frankly, the idea of a doula sounded like a wonderful idea to me. A cheerleader, supporter, encourager and otherwise all-around helper-who wouldn’t want that as they traveled the arduous journey of labor?
Anna was such a wealth of knowledge and it was immensely helpful to have her input as the day of delivery grew closer. It calmed my nervous jitters to talk to her on the phone and hear that all was progressing normally. I ended up being induced and Anna was very flexible as our plans changed. As labor progressed and the pain got intense, Anna was a blend of service and encouragement. She massaged, rubbed and was constantly the voice of reassurance when I grew weary. I’m not sure that I would have been able to deal with the pain (especially since being induced made it even more painful) without Anna’s presence. Between Anna and my husband, I felt incredibly supported. Anna’s care continued after the birth and into the post-partum stage.
The birth of my son was the hardest and the most beautiful thing I have ever done. Having Anna there made it a much smoother experience. I was incredibly happy to have my best friend and my doula share this moment with me, as I became a mom for the first time.
Derek's story
Having Anna at the birth of our son was very comforting for me as the husband. This being our firstborn, I was nervous about remembering all of the right things to do and say to help and encourage my wife. With Anna there I was much more relaxed, knowing that she’s been through this many times before. I was able to focus on being there for my wife, not trying to remember all of the different counter-pressure and massage techniques, or wondering if we needed to be communicating more or less with the medical staff.
When I was unsure if something was happening unexpectedly, I would glance over at Anna to see if she was concerned. Her calm demeanor assured me that everything was progressing normally and I was able to refocus on comforting and encouraging my wife.
I knew that Anna would be a wonderful help for my wife, but I never would have guessed how much I would benefit from her presence as well.
Having Anna at the birth of our son was very comforting for me as the husband. This being our firstborn, I was nervous about remembering all of the right things to do and say to help and encourage my wife. With Anna there I was much more relaxed, knowing that she’s been through this many times before. I was able to focus on being there for my wife, not trying to remember all of the different counter-pressure and massage techniques, or wondering if we needed to be communicating more or less with the medical staff.
When I was unsure if something was happening unexpectedly, I would glance over at Anna to see if she was concerned. Her calm demeanor assured me that everything was progressing normally and I was able to refocus on comforting and encouraging my wife.
I knew that Anna would be a wonderful help for my wife, but I never would have guessed how much I would benefit from her presence as well.
Tasha’s Story
As soon as I saw two lines on the pregnancy test, I had plans for my birth experience. My husband and I had already met our midwife before trying to conceive, but I knew I also wanted a doula. I knew the support of someone who wasn’t my husband or a nurse would be invaluable, and I knew that even though my husband Brendan was capable of supporting me through labor, I believed he too would benefit from having a doula there.
I set up interviews with several local doulas. Anna was the first one we met, and after meeting her we decided to just cancel the rest of the interviews. We talked a little about what I was hoping my baby’s birth would be like, and she was supportive and excited. She has great energy and I liked her right away.
We met several times during my pregnancy, and I borrowed several books from her. She was so sweet and really worked with my crazy work schedule so that we could exchange books. She also helped work through a birth plan with me, which was wonderful and helped me make sure I had covered all the important areas.
My water broke early, at 4:30 in the morning, and I texted her a little while later. I heard back from her immediately and she asked what my plans were. Having never delivered a full term baby, I had no idea how long labor would last or how painful things were going to be, so I told her to hold off and that I’d call her and let her know “when things got serious.”
Things got serious pretty quickly. She called as we were on the way out the door to the hospital around seven to check in, and then came to the hospital to meet with us. My goal was a drug free, natural birth with as little intervention as possible, and she helped us to achieve that. She was a great coach during labor and seemed to know exactly where she needed to be without me asking anything.
When my son was born, Anna grabbed the camera and took pictures of his first seconds of life. They are my absolute favorite pictures and I really can’t put into words how excited I was when I saw them on the camera. Again, she just seemed to know exactly what she could do to make his birthday amazing.
Regardless of the birth you’re hoping to have, having a doula is always a benefit. Anna was 100% supportive of my choices and my preferences, and offered insightful, accurate information when I did have questions or concerns. I am *so* glad that we had Anna at our birth, and know that we wouldn’t hire any other doula for our next child’s birth.
As soon as I saw two lines on the pregnancy test, I had plans for my birth experience. My husband and I had already met our midwife before trying to conceive, but I knew I also wanted a doula. I knew the support of someone who wasn’t my husband or a nurse would be invaluable, and I knew that even though my husband Brendan was capable of supporting me through labor, I believed he too would benefit from having a doula there.
I set up interviews with several local doulas. Anna was the first one we met, and after meeting her we decided to just cancel the rest of the interviews. We talked a little about what I was hoping my baby’s birth would be like, and she was supportive and excited. She has great energy and I liked her right away.
We met several times during my pregnancy, and I borrowed several books from her. She was so sweet and really worked with my crazy work schedule so that we could exchange books. She also helped work through a birth plan with me, which was wonderful and helped me make sure I had covered all the important areas.
My water broke early, at 4:30 in the morning, and I texted her a little while later. I heard back from her immediately and she asked what my plans were. Having never delivered a full term baby, I had no idea how long labor would last or how painful things were going to be, so I told her to hold off and that I’d call her and let her know “when things got serious.”
Things got serious pretty quickly. She called as we were on the way out the door to the hospital around seven to check in, and then came to the hospital to meet with us. My goal was a drug free, natural birth with as little intervention as possible, and she helped us to achieve that. She was a great coach during labor and seemed to know exactly where she needed to be without me asking anything.
When my son was born, Anna grabbed the camera and took pictures of his first seconds of life. They are my absolute favorite pictures and I really can’t put into words how excited I was when I saw them on the camera. Again, she just seemed to know exactly what she could do to make his birthday amazing.
Regardless of the birth you’re hoping to have, having a doula is always a benefit. Anna was 100% supportive of my choices and my preferences, and offered insightful, accurate information when I did have questions or concerns. I am *so* glad that we had Anna at our birth, and know that we wouldn’t hire any other doula for our next child’s birth.

Anna laboring with her husband.
Photo by Anna Thelen
Anna's Story:
Anna played a pivotal role in the months leading up to as well as during the birth of our daughter. We didn't know that we would get such a strong supporter of our decision to have a VBAC, as well as someone who was extremely knowledgeable regarding VBACs.
Prior to the birth, she not only encouraged my decision by giving me a wealth of information to help me but she also called me and talked me through my doubts. Just her being another woman that I could rely on to support my decision, either through email or on the phone, made all the difference in the world. She also took the time to pray for me and check up on me to see how things were going.
During the birth, she prayed with my husband for me and was always a positive light in the room that never left my side. She worked intimately with my husband to get me through the contractions and helped by getting me water or putting cold washcloths on me during transition. One of the most important things she did was to make sure that my wishes were carried out by the staff-I don't know if my husband would have been able to be that assertive and take care of me through it all. I also appreciated that even though the contractions were strong and fast, she helped the labor to speed up by getting me moving. I believe that this helped my labor to progress quickly and that is exactly what made it as short as it was.
My husband and I are so grateful we hired Anna as our doula for our VBAC with our 3rd child. We could not have gotten through it as successfully without her!
Giovanna's story:
Here’s how it happened, about 10 times with friends and family:
Me: “Oh, I’m so excited.
I just hired a doula, and she seems great!”
Others: " A what?”
Me: “ A doula, a birthing coach. Someone who can join Cevin and I in the hospital while I am in labor.”
Others: “What? What do you need a doula for, don’t they have nurses? What’s Cevin going to do?”
Me: “I hired a doula for my second pregnancy, and I never could have had my VBAC without her… and I’m doing
it again… and her name is Anna.”
My experience with working with Anna, my doula for my third pregnancy and labor, was very special.
Anna is a certified doula and I asked her all about her education when I met her for the first time, as well as her experience with other moms, but what really mattered to me was her heart. She has a big heart and when you’re in labor, that’s exactly what you need, someone with a heart as big, loving and caring as Anna’s.
Sometimes labor is short, and sometimes it is long, and sometimes, you feel like you’re a burden to everyone, as you contract and moan, and walk and ache and hurt and cry and pray.
What I found helpful was having someone by my side who wouldn’t judge or belittle me.
Someone who would pray with me and encourage me. Someone who would fight the battles, I no longer had the energy to fight. That person was Anna, and she did more than a marvelous job.
My third pregnancy was challenging, as my husband and I faced a risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome. During my pregnancy, I prayed very much, and during my labor, I prayed as well. It meant so much to me that Anna was willing to pray with me while I labored. I found the repetitiveness of well- known prayers to really help me, while I couldn’t concentrate on much else.
This pregnancy was also unique in that it was a VBAC; that is, I was attempting to have a vaginal birth after having a cesarean delivery for my first birth. My first delivery was very medical. I had an epidural, actually, I had two. I had IV injections, a catheter, and a mechanical water break. You name it, I had it. It’s my belief, that all the medical intervention slowed my labor to the point that at 55 hours, the medical team finally decided on a C section.
I wanted to be able to have a medical free birth, a natural birth, a no-epidural- are-you-crazy-no-pain-killer kind of birth… and I asked Anna to help me with that. I asked her to be my advocate to the nursing and medical staff. I asked her, “When I get weak, and want to go the medical pain killer route, will you please encourage me to labor naturally and push through the pain, so that my baby could come naturally and that I could heal faster postpartum, the way I had after the birth of my second child?” Anna was able to be my advocate, and more. She was able to encourage me to labor on my own – she was able to remind me, in the mist of my pleading for meds (which happened, I won’t lie), that I wanted a natural birth. That I wanted to be fully aware of the birth of my baby and the miracle that it is. That if I had to handle finding out that my baby had Down Syndrome, that I wouldn’t be all drugged up and not in the moment. That I could have a story of triumph, of having had my baby, myself, with all the strength that we, as women, have to labor and bring our children into this world naturally. And, with Anna, I was able to do it. I had a wonderful birthing experience and memories that will last a lifetime, and all because of Anna.
Now, what was my husband doing? Couldn’t he be my advocate and supporter? Well, he was following Anna’s lead and helped her every step of the way. He prayed with us, walked with us, labored with us, danced with us, and counted with us. But, he didn’t have to fight with me as I asked for pain meds. There was no conflict between my husband and I during this very special time, at all, because Anna was able to be the go between. When someone you love is hurting, sometimes it’s hard to stay unbiased, you tend to want to give them whatever would make them feel better. He might have caved, when I his laboring wife asked for meds, or epidural, or whatever. Anna was able to stay unbiased and helped us to have the natural delivery I wanted.
In the end, 12 hours of natural labor later, with just a hint of pain meds that allowed me to take to nap for a moment or two during labor, we brought our beautiful baby girl into this world. I had walked the halls hand in hand with Anna for many hours. I labored in a pool of water and in the shower, too. With Anna’s help, I was able to have the birthing experience I had hoped for. I gave birth at 7:27 in the morning, and our new life began. Anna didn’t leave the second my daughter came. She stayed and helped me to wash up and get my feet back on the ground, while everyone else was able to focus on the new little one. She was able to be with me, and allowed my husband the opportunity to stay with the baby, who was indeed born with Down Syndrome. Anna was willing to stay at my side until I was strong enough to let her go, and I’m so glad she did. I’d recommend her to anyone considering having a doula assist them with their birth, even if they didn’t want to go the crazy-no-pain-med-route...:)
Anna played a pivotal role in the months leading up to as well as during the birth of our daughter. We didn't know that we would get such a strong supporter of our decision to have a VBAC, as well as someone who was extremely knowledgeable regarding VBACs.
Prior to the birth, she not only encouraged my decision by giving me a wealth of information to help me but she also called me and talked me through my doubts. Just her being another woman that I could rely on to support my decision, either through email or on the phone, made all the difference in the world. She also took the time to pray for me and check up on me to see how things were going.
During the birth, she prayed with my husband for me and was always a positive light in the room that never left my side. She worked intimately with my husband to get me through the contractions and helped by getting me water or putting cold washcloths on me during transition. One of the most important things she did was to make sure that my wishes were carried out by the staff-I don't know if my husband would have been able to be that assertive and take care of me through it all. I also appreciated that even though the contractions were strong and fast, she helped the labor to speed up by getting me moving. I believe that this helped my labor to progress quickly and that is exactly what made it as short as it was.
My husband and I are so grateful we hired Anna as our doula for our VBAC with our 3rd child. We could not have gotten through it as successfully without her!
Giovanna's story:
Here’s how it happened, about 10 times with friends and family:
Me: “Oh, I’m so excited.
I just hired a doula, and she seems great!”
Others: " A what?”
Me: “ A doula, a birthing coach. Someone who can join Cevin and I in the hospital while I am in labor.”
Others: “What? What do you need a doula for, don’t they have nurses? What’s Cevin going to do?”
Me: “I hired a doula for my second pregnancy, and I never could have had my VBAC without her… and I’m doing
it again… and her name is Anna.”
My experience with working with Anna, my doula for my third pregnancy and labor, was very special.
Anna is a certified doula and I asked her all about her education when I met her for the first time, as well as her experience with other moms, but what really mattered to me was her heart. She has a big heart and when you’re in labor, that’s exactly what you need, someone with a heart as big, loving and caring as Anna’s.
Sometimes labor is short, and sometimes it is long, and sometimes, you feel like you’re a burden to everyone, as you contract and moan, and walk and ache and hurt and cry and pray.
What I found helpful was having someone by my side who wouldn’t judge or belittle me.
Someone who would pray with me and encourage me. Someone who would fight the battles, I no longer had the energy to fight. That person was Anna, and she did more than a marvelous job.
My third pregnancy was challenging, as my husband and I faced a risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome. During my pregnancy, I prayed very much, and during my labor, I prayed as well. It meant so much to me that Anna was willing to pray with me while I labored. I found the repetitiveness of well- known prayers to really help me, while I couldn’t concentrate on much else.
This pregnancy was also unique in that it was a VBAC; that is, I was attempting to have a vaginal birth after having a cesarean delivery for my first birth. My first delivery was very medical. I had an epidural, actually, I had two. I had IV injections, a catheter, and a mechanical water break. You name it, I had it. It’s my belief, that all the medical intervention slowed my labor to the point that at 55 hours, the medical team finally decided on a C section.
I wanted to be able to have a medical free birth, a natural birth, a no-epidural- are-you-crazy-no-pain-killer kind of birth… and I asked Anna to help me with that. I asked her to be my advocate to the nursing and medical staff. I asked her, “When I get weak, and want to go the medical pain killer route, will you please encourage me to labor naturally and push through the pain, so that my baby could come naturally and that I could heal faster postpartum, the way I had after the birth of my second child?” Anna was able to be my advocate, and more. She was able to encourage me to labor on my own – she was able to remind me, in the mist of my pleading for meds (which happened, I won’t lie), that I wanted a natural birth. That I wanted to be fully aware of the birth of my baby and the miracle that it is. That if I had to handle finding out that my baby had Down Syndrome, that I wouldn’t be all drugged up and not in the moment. That I could have a story of triumph, of having had my baby, myself, with all the strength that we, as women, have to labor and bring our children into this world naturally. And, with Anna, I was able to do it. I had a wonderful birthing experience and memories that will last a lifetime, and all because of Anna.
Now, what was my husband doing? Couldn’t he be my advocate and supporter? Well, he was following Anna’s lead and helped her every step of the way. He prayed with us, walked with us, labored with us, danced with us, and counted with us. But, he didn’t have to fight with me as I asked for pain meds. There was no conflict between my husband and I during this very special time, at all, because Anna was able to be the go between. When someone you love is hurting, sometimes it’s hard to stay unbiased, you tend to want to give them whatever would make them feel better. He might have caved, when I his laboring wife asked for meds, or epidural, or whatever. Anna was able to stay unbiased and helped us to have the natural delivery I wanted.
In the end, 12 hours of natural labor later, with just a hint of pain meds that allowed me to take to nap for a moment or two during labor, we brought our beautiful baby girl into this world. I had walked the halls hand in hand with Anna for many hours. I labored in a pool of water and in the shower, too. With Anna’s help, I was able to have the birthing experience I had hoped for. I gave birth at 7:27 in the morning, and our new life began. Anna didn’t leave the second my daughter came. She stayed and helped me to wash up and get my feet back on the ground, while everyone else was able to focus on the new little one. She was able to be with me, and allowed my husband the opportunity to stay with the baby, who was indeed born with Down Syndrome. Anna was willing to stay at my side until I was strong enough to let her go, and I’m so glad she did. I’d recommend her to anyone considering having a doula assist them with their birth, even if they didn’t want to go the crazy-no-pain-med-route...:)